History of the Parque Municipal Jerusalén

This important site is located on Av. Víctor Emilio Estrada and Circunvalación Norte in Urdesa, Guayaquil, and was promoted by Mr. Johnny Czarninski, H. Consul General of Israel in Guayaquil. In addition, the project had the support of Jaime Nebot Saadi, during his term as Mayor of Guayaquil, as well as the support of the current mayor of the city, Cynthia Viteri. Inside the park there is a monument, build by the Ecuadorian artist Fernando Insua, which narrates the story of Jerusalem from Biblical time till the present time.


The project consists of a staircase with 18 plaques cast in bronze, and at the top there is a large menorah.The latter is an original size replica of the menorah donated by the Parliament of the United Kingdom to the Knesset of Israel. The park also has a fountain, background music, benches, free WIFI for visitors and a path that leads to the city of Jerusalem in the 1st century, in a 1:150 scale model.


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